Nerve-first chiropractic care honors your body’s innate intelligence – allowing your body to decide where adjustments are needed and what alignment is ideal for you!
When you think of a chiropractic adjustment, you may think of the twisting, cracking, and popping style. While that method has it’s time and place, at Revival I focus on a nerve-first approach when it comes to adjusting.
Here’s why:
I could adjust you by moving a bone to the place I feel is structurally best in that moment. However if your nervous system is in a state of stress and your muscles are tense, that bone is going to shift right back to where it was. This leads to potentially getting the same, or similar adjustment every time.
With the nerve-first approach, my number one goal is to calm your nervous system. A calm, interference-free nervous system allows your muscles to relax, which will allow your body to go into the best alignment for you! When your body is in ideal alignment, it will continue to provide positive feedback to your nervous system – which will keep you in a state of clear communication and optimal function for longer!