Watch this 90 second video to learn more about your automatic nervous system, it’s two modes, and how the balance of those modes impacts your health!
Your autonomic nervous system controls everything “automatic” in your body. Your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and so much more! The autonomic nervous system has two modes: parasympathetic and sympathetic.
Parasympathetic mode is the resting, digesting, and recuperative state. I like to refer to this as the brake pedal of your body. It allows your body to shift into a state of ease and relaxation.
Sympathetic mode is the fight or flight state. I like to refer to this as the gas pedal of your body. It allows your body to get into a defense mode, so you can run away or defend against a major stressor.
Ideally you want your autonomic nervous system to be balanced between the gas pedal (sympathetic) and brake pedal (parasympathetic). When your nervous system is in a state of balance, it can easily access both pedals without depleting your body’s precious energy reserves. I like to use the analogy of driving your car – you want to have easy access to both your gas pedal and brake pedal while driving. If you only had access to the gas or the brake, or worse yet – you had to reach all the way to the passenger side to access one of those pedals – you’d definitely avoid driving that car!
Unfortunately with the amount of stress that is coming at us on a daily basis, I often see people stuck in sympathetic mode. When your nervous system becomes stuck in one mode, your body has to deplete your energy to shift between modes, and you will likely notice symptoms coming to the surface. Some common symptoms I see from being stuck in sympathetic mode are: difficulty sleeping, anxiety, tension, headaches/migraines, irregular menstrual cycles, irritability, and digestive troubles.
As a neurological chiropractor, I am passionate about balancing your nervous system and helping your body find a state of ease! At Revival, I use gentle neurological scans to determine the balance of your nervous system and how much energy your autonomic nervous system is expending to shift between modes. With consistent chiropractic care, your nervous system can find balance, rebuild your energy reserves, and revive your health and wellbeing!
If you feel like your body is stuck in survival mode and you’re ready to shift into Revival mode, give the office a call at (651) 342-2453 or fill out the contact me form here!